As amended December 17, 2024
The FY25-29 NEC Capital Investment Plan (CIP) integrates infrastructure investments planned by each NEC agency over the next five years. Year one of the CIP is fiscally constrained and serves as a baseline to measure infrastructure delivery reporting. Years 2-5 are fiscally unconstrained. (Approved October 2024)
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The NEC Annual Report: Infrastructure and Operations for Fiscal Year 2023 documents the implementation of the capital program and the operational performance of NEC trains for federal fiscal year 2023. (Released March 2024)
The 15-year CONNECT NEC Program and the five-year Capital Investment Plan (CIP) are key components of the Transparency, Collaboration, and Accountability pillar in the NEC Cost Allocation Policy. CONNECT NEC identifies long-term service objectives and associated capital investments over the next 15 years, while the annual CIP demonstrates how the Commission and its member agencies plan to advance CONNECT NEC in the near-term. C37, an update to C35 completed in 2021, assesses NEC-wide rail service and state-of-good-repair goals and the infrastructure investments necessary to meet them. Per statute, the FY24-28 CIP integrates individual capital plans developed by Amtrak, States, and commuter authorities that cover a period of five fiscal years. (Released November 2023).
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Standalone executive summary for CONNECT NEC 2037. (Released November 2023)
The NEC Annual Report: Infrastructure and Operations for Fiscal Year 2022 documents the implementation of the capital program and the operational performance of NEC trains for federal fiscal year 2022. (Released March 2023)
The FY23-27 NEC Capital Investment Plan (CIP) integrates infrastructure investments planned by each NEC agency over the next five years. The detail for active projects in this FY23-27 CIP reflect the results from the updated CONNECT NEC 2035 (C35) delivery analysis. Year One of the CIP is fiscally constrained and serves as a baseline to measure infrastructure delivery reporting. Years 2-5 are fiscally unconstrained. (Released October 2022)
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The NEC Annual Report: Infrastructure and Operations for Fiscal Year 2021 documents the implementation of the capital program and the operational performance of NEC trains for federal fiscal year 2021. (Released March 2022)
The NEC Capital Investment Plan (CIP) integrates infrastructure investments planned by each agency into a single document to create a corridor-wide view of projects and funding needs over the next five years. For the first time, the FY22-26 CIP has CONNECT NEC 2035, a 15-year service development plan and infrastructure planning process, to guide its development. The CIP provides detailed project-level information, including anticipated scopes of work and upcoming project milestones, submitted and vetted by Commission member agencies, for projects which could occur in the next five years according to the C35 sequencing process. Year One of the CIP is fiscally constrained and serves as an implementation plan and valuable tool for collaboration, transparency, and accountability among NEC agencies. The Commission will use Year One of the CIP as the baseline against which it measures capital program delivery performance. (Released October 2021)
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CONNECT NEC 2035 is a 15-year plan representing the most ambitious reinvestment program in the NEC’s history and a new way of planning: a multi-agency, multi-year, shared action plan guided by a long-term vision. The state governments of the Northeast, the federal government, eight commuter rail agencies, and Amtrak worked together through the NEC Commission to develop a detailed and efficient sequencing of infrastructure investment covering 150 projects along the corridor. (Released July 2021)
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By chapter:
Standalone executive summary for CONNECT NEC 2035. (Released July 2021)
The NEC Annual Report: Operations and Infrastructure for Fiscal Year 2020 documents the operational performance of NEC trains and the implementation of the capital program for federal fiscal year 2020. (Released March 2021)
The NEC Capital Investment Plan (CIP) integrates NEC infrastructure investments planned by each NEC owner and operator over a five-year period into a single planning document to develop a complete picture of corridor activities. The plan combines anticipated investments based on available funding with capital investments that could occur with additional funding given available resources. Year One of the CIP serves as an implementation plan and as the baseline to measure capital investment progress through quarterly Capital Program Delivery Reports and the NEC Annual Report. (Released October 2020)
The NEC Annual Report: Operations and Infrastructure for Fiscal Year 2019 documents the operational performance of NEC trains and the implementation of the capital program for federal fiscal year 2019. (Released March 2020)
The Northeast Corridor One-Year Implementation Plan: Fiscal Year 2020 is a cross-agency record of the anticipated capital project activity along the Corridor in the upcoming federal fiscal year based on available capital funding. (Released October 2019)
The NEC Capital Investment Plan for federal fiscal years 2020-2024 documents the funding requirement (i.e., the funding available and needed) during the five-year time frame for planned and ongoing capital investments on the NEC. Capital renewal of basic infrastructure, which represents the routine repair or replacement of existing basic infrastructure assets, and special projects, which includes major backlog projects and improvement projects, are both included in the plan. (Published March 2019, amended December 2019 and July 2020).
The NEC Annual Report: Operations and Infrastructure for Fiscal Year 2018 documents the operational performance of NEC trains and the implementation of the capital program for federal fiscal year 2018. (Released March 2019)
The Northeast Corridor One-Year Implementation Plan: Fiscal Year 2019 is a cross-agency record of the anticipated capital project activity along the Corridor in the upcoming federal fiscal year based on available capital funding. (Released October 2018)
The Northeast Corridor Capital Investment Plan documents the investments required over the next five federal fiscal years to reverse decades of deterioration and begin to modernize this important national asset for future economic growth. The plan combines anticipated investments based on available funding and resources with capital investments that could occur with additional funding to eliminate the state-of-good-repair backlog and improve performance of the railroad. (Released August 2018)
The NEC Annual Report: Operations and Infrastructure for Fiscal Year 2017 documents the operational performance of NEC trains and the implementation of the capital program for federal fiscal year 2017. (Released April 2018)
The Northeast Corridor One-Year Implementation Plan: Fiscal Year 2018 is a cross-agency record of the anticipated capital project activity along the Corridor in the upcoming federal fiscal year based on available capital funding. (Released October 2017)
Released May 2017
The NEC Annual Report: Operations and Infrastructure for Fiscal Year 2016 documents the operational performance of NEC trains and the implementation of the capital program for federal fiscal year 2016. The NEC Annual Report also contains recommendations for improving planning for and reporting on capital projects. (Released May 2017)
Released October 2016
Released April 2016
Released April 2016
Released April 2015
Released April 2015